We feel responsible eco tourism goes hand in hand with conservation. Together with the local community, we founded the Enonkishu Conservancy in 2009 and each guest staying with us contributes a conservation fee per night. This revenue is what keeps it going. But it is not enough to sustain it.  The funds Enonkishu needs are used for preventing biodiversity loss through lease payments to the local Maasai landowners, mitigating human wildlife conflict, carrying out ecological monitoring, training the rangers and paying for them and ensuring the livestock stick to an intensively managed holistic grazing plan.

Enonkishu Conservancy is committed to sustainable rangeland management that allows space and resources for all people, cattle, and wildlife. To achieve this it seeks a balance between conservation of the ecosystem and appropriate enterprise for the resident Maasai communities. Enonkishu is adopting a unique approach to conserving land by creating a viable livestock enterprise through a Holistic Management (HM) Approach. Through HM, Enonkishu intends to improve productivity of the livestock in the region, improve livelihoods and maintain heritage.

We work with Nicholsons Nurseries in the UK and the International Tree Foundation.
Together, we have created a women’s group that collect indigenous seeds, they grow seedlings which we offer our guests, friends and partners the opportunity to plant, either at the local schools, on our river bank restoration program.
The planting of 10 trees will approximately absorb over 2 tonnes of carbon over 10 years, this goes a long way into offsetting our guests carbon footprint in visiting the Mara. The trees are georeferenced and watered until they have established.
To plant trees in our projects, please click on the link below.

The future of East Africa’s rangelands and the livelihoods of the stakeholders who depend on them, are uncertain. Due to changing climate and lifestyles and a rapidly growing population, these systems are facing increasing challenges. Greater support is therefore needed to build community capacity in Sustainable Rangeland Management.