This Menu is designed to give potential donors ideas for what types of projects they are able to support to and how their donations might be used.
All sizes of donations are hugely important and appreciated for our Futures in the Wild projects.
Community Health:
$30 provides an eco sanitary kit for a girl at Secondary School.
$1,000 will go towards the Maternity ward upgrade (we need 100 donations of this size over 2 years to reach our target of $100,000 for the Maternity Ward upgrade to be managed by AMREF.)
$2,000 will support a community health worker for a year committed to family planning advocacy and training.
$100 can buy a bed, mattress and bedding for 1 pupil in the girls dorm at the Emarti School.
$600 can support the education of an orphan for a year.
$ 2,000 can provide Environmental Awareness Training including game drives in Enonkishu for the Wildlife Youth Club of Emarti for a year.
$2,800 can purchase a playground for Early Childhood Development at the Ol Meoshi School.
$3,000 can complete the construction of the dining hall at the Emarti Primary School.
$6,000 provides lunches for the Emarti Primary School for 1 year.
$7,000 provides lunches for the Emarti Secondary School for 1 year.
$12,000 provides the construction of a conservation library in the Emarti Centre.
$250 purchases a game camera for the ecological monitoring within Enonkishu Conservancy.
$1,000 goes towards sustaining a ranger within the Enonkishu Conservancy for a year.
$2,500 provides a bootcamp training in Sustainable Rangeland Management for a community representation of 20 pax.
Trees in the Wild:
$200 will plant 10 indigenous trees.
$1,000 will support a Maasai woman for 1 year to collect seedlings for the indigenous tree nursery.
Water and sanitation:
$2,500 provides a guttering system and tank per classroom for rainwater harvesting.
$3,000 solar water pump for the Emarti School.
$4,000 washing station for the Ol Meoshi community.
$20,000 borehole for the Emarti Community.
Entrepreneurs kickstarter projects:
$100 buys 2 beehives.
$500 buys a heifer for the Herds for Growth program.
$2,000 buys a Boran bull for the Herds for Growth breeding uplift program.
$ 4,000 trains the women’s group on sustainable and natural soap making.
$6,000 builds a workshop for the women’s group soap making project including equipment.